Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Proverbs 3:1-5 Craft Idea

In Proverbs 3:1 the bible says my son which we can sometimes over look that it’s speaking to us. In having a child write their name on the heart and read it back the verse becomes more personal.

Print on red paper and cut it out
               This a simple project where I printed my heart with the verse on red construction paper (this helped save ink in not having to print the entire heart in red)  I then placed it back to back with another construction paper and then cut them out, slightly stapling some of the corners together to prevent them from moving. Then whole punching around the corners (not including the top of the heart) creating a small purse.  

            Throughout the lesson as we broke down the verses we came to Proverbs 3:3 “Tie them around your neck” Have the children feed the precut yarn you've prepared through the whole punched holes through the heart. Starting at the top. To make it easier added tape to one of the corners so its easier to feed without the tip becoming undone. 
laceing the heart and tieing it around the neck
        The finished craft it a small little purse that can be tied around the child’s neck 


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